Nevada residents who have had a loved one recently pass away may be interested to know if they were named in the will. A will is a legal document that allows a person to determine what happens to their estate after they pass away. Wills typically name the beneficiaries and the amount of the estate that they’ll receive after the testator’s death.
In most cases, all of the beneficiaries named in a will are notified by an estate attorney. Though scenes of a will being read aloud to all of the beneficiaries are often depicted in movies and on television, this rarely occurs today. In fact, no states require that a will be read aloud. Most beneficiaries, any listed guardians and the executor will receive a copy of the will. This ensures that everyone listed in the will understands what they will be receiving as their portion of the estate.
Family members who have been omitted from the will, removed from a previous will or disinherited may try to contest the will and receive a portion of the estate’s assets. The estate lawyer often chooses to send a copy of the will to anyone who may challenge it. Most wills are public record and can be requested or looked up through a state’s public records office.
Making a will or setting up a trust is an important part of taking care of one’s family. Those who pass without a will have what is called an intestate estate. In this case, the state takes possession of the estate and divides it based on its laws. An estate lawyer might be able to help an individual avoid any issues with intestacy.